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(1) SUBJECT OF PROPOSALS: (2) ORIGINATING SCHOOL: (3) SCHOOL/SERVICE CONSULTED ABOUT THE PROPOSALS: The AD(E&SE) or Professional Services representative consulted should sign below to confirm that adequate consultation has taken place with the School/Service or, if the proposal has been generated by their School, that relevant departments within the School have been consulted. This will not be taken to imply that agreement has necessarily been reached. ASPECTS ON WHICH THE SCHOOL/SERVICE HAS BEEN CONSULTED: ANY COMMENTS BY THE AD(E&SE) or SERVICE CONSULTED: SIGNATURE OF AD(E&SE) or PROFESSIONAL SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE: DATE: Email correspondence regarding the consultation may accompany the form in place of a signature. NOTES ON INTERNAL CONSULTATION 1) Summary of internal consultation requirements. I Consult affected Schools in any of the following circumstances: (i) the module is a component of another School/department's programme. Schools should follow the Policy on Service Teaching when seeking to amend service teaching arrangements. NEW (ii) New requirement for 2023/24 onwards there is common terminology in the module title, relevant expertise or common interests for which this may be a concern, eg. Business, Management, Design, Digital. (iii) students from another School have taken the module this academic year making use of the availability code being 1 and any of the following apply: the change is categorised as a major module change (see Annex C) there is a change to pre-/co requisites, excluded combinations or the accessibility coding. the module is to be terminated or suspended. II Consult: Timetabling Team (Katherine Hollingsworth (Assistant Registrar (Timetabling Strategic Development)) and Chris Poole (Assistant Registrar (Timetabling Operations & Data)) IT Services (Aaron Turlington-Smith on behalf of the Director) University Library (Emma Walton Director of Library Services & University Librarian) Estates & Facilities Management - To be confirmed as appropriate in the following circumstances: Proposal is to modify an existing module in a way that will increase the demands on the support service Proposal is for a new module that will increase the demands on the support service 2) The Schools to be consulted are those as indicated in 1) above including those Schools whose students were previously able to study the module because it had an availability code of 1. 3) Originating School should send copy of form to the Secretary to CSC when completed and make reference to this consultation in the associated new/amended module proposal form on the Online Module Update and Approval System. 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